Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Hello my Beauties,
So today's post has nothing to do with make up, but a much more serious and important matter!
In the recent weeks many of you have probably have heard about KONY 2012, this is an organization designed to raise awareness for a man named Joseph Kony.  Joseph Kony  is an African war criminal,  He moves around Africa and kidnaps children.  He Trains the Children to fight... or worse.... He forces them to commit atrocious crimes. If this happened here to just one child, there would be no rest till justice was served.
We are trying to make Kony "Famous" , but not in the good way. We want to make his actions known to the world in order to STOP him!  If we all come together as one voice, the more attention will be drawn to him and  with that attention is the higher possibly of this nightmare to end!