Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New Website: Lipstick and Life

Hello everyone,
After a little break from blogging and a whole lot of planning, My new website is finally up and running! This is a place for not just beauty and fashion, But life in general. Alot of content from this blog will be there... so if you cannot find your favourite post here it is up on lipstickandlife. 

Thank you all so much for the wonderful support and love you have given this blog... I hope you will join the lipstick and life family. Lets go have an adventure :) 

Get to know the Lipstick and Life Family here:

Again thank you all and hope to see you all on the ride of Lipstick and Life 

Kai Alexander 

Monday, March 11, 2013

What's In My Bag?!

Hello my lovelies,
So when brain storming for post ideas this week I thought it would be fun to do a what's in my bag post. These are my favourite posts and videos to watch so I thought I would take swing at.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Favourite Red Lip Products!!

Hello everyone,
So today I am going to be sharing with you my favourite red lip products. A red lip can be used as a quick make up fix for a lazy day or help make you look elegant for an event. Whatever the case may be a good red lip should always be in your makeup arsenal.  Now on to my red lip loves!

Monday, March 4, 2013

February Favourites!! **2013**


So it is time for my February Favourites. I know I have not been posting as I regularly do and that is because I have been sick for half the month :( sad times!  Never fear though I am on the mend and shall be starting to post on my normal scheduled. So now that's done lets get to the favourites!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Wish List **2013**

Ello, Ello, Ello,

I hope you all are having a wonderful day! Today I am going to be doing my March wish list... I really enjoy doing these because I like to read others wish list too.... So leave me a comment below telling me your wish list or a few products your going to pick up next time your out! So without further ado...
Tarte - Pure Maracuja Oil

Monday, February 11, 2013

Need2Know: New Beauty Products *Spring 2013*

Hey Guys and Dolls,
So today I bring you all the new releases of spring! This makes me super happy and very excited. I enjoy doing these types of post because I get to hunt down all the goodies, But also because it makes finding new products easier when they are all in one place! This is  "Higher end" products or products you would find in Sephora... so no drugstore/High street products here. Next week look out for my post on the new drugstore products. With that being said lets get too it!

NARS Dressed To Kill Lipstick $26.00