Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Long Holiday.... Whats in my summer holiday makeup bag **2012

Hello Glam People of the internet,
So a while back I promised that I would post a long haul make up bag..... This is for places that I stay a week or more.  I know, I know it looks like a lot... but I promise I use it... or I am trying it out for you wonderful people that way I can review it :)  When I go on Holiday I separate my makeup from my skincare... So if you would like to see what is in that bag leave me a comment.

(I hate to have a disclaimer here but I feel as though it needs to be said... I am not trying to brag... I have gotten questions asking me what I pack on summer holidays... So think of it as infoming not bragging because that is the last thing I intenend to do with this blog :) 

So now that that is said and done lets open the bag...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

July 2012 Favorites of the Month

Hi, Hi,Hi,
So today I thought I would introduce you to a new blog series called Favorites of the Month. This is going to be about my favorite things of that month.... It will range from beauty and fashion to completely random things. Every month will bring new things and some old tried and true products but it will always be fun! So I thought we would start with this month. Hope you like it :)