Friday, October 26, 2012

TAG: Ten Products I Would Repurchase

Hey Guys,
So this TAG has been going around on you tube for a while so I thought It would be  fun to do!!
The scenario is that your entire make up has magically disappeared what are the 10 things you run out to repurchase right away… so now we know the scenario let’s get to the make up!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

October Wish List***

Hello my lovelies,
It's that time of the month for my wish list.  These are all the goodies that I have been lusting over and have been dying to try. So here we go...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Facebook Page and where to follow me***

Hello Peeps of the world,

Here is my new FB page :)
So if you want to get updates about posts and little tips & tricks.... thats where they will be.

Also, follow me on Pintrest, Lockerz and Instagram XD
Instagram:  kai_alexander

Hope to see you there!!