Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2012 Reflections Tag

Hi guys,
So I found this cute tag floating around and I thought it would be the perfect way to start off 2013. This tag is basically me telling you what was amazing about 2012 and what I hope to be amazing in 2013.... So lets get to the Q&A!

1. What was the most exciting thing that happened to you in 2012?
Staring this blog... I never thought I would. Hey, maybe this year I might even try my hand at some videos to. Also realizing how much I didn't just want to be in front of the camera but also behind it directing.

2.What was your favorite post/video you did this year? Why?

I really enjoy doing my DIY beauty post because I get to try all of them out and then pass on the knowledge to you guys!!  It's really hard for me to pick just one of these but I am going to go with   Vinegar toner post or Vinegar strawberry blemish buster, because when I tried it I saw  results super quickly and I was so excited to share it with you guys!! 

3.Best YouTube video of 2012?

Ohh man! This one is hard... there are always such amazing videos on YouTube.... But I am going to go with Triune Films Short film TELL. It is about 30 minuets long but it is amazing so it is worth the time I would also check out the short film Sight... No word to discribe how amazing both of these are!  I would defiantly hit it up if you are a film fanatic or film student! 

4.What was your favorite new product of 2012? 

My favorite product hands down was Benefit's Pore-Fessional Primer. Although it isn't a 2012 new product it was new to me in 2012 and now I can't see not using it! 

5.What new thing are you glad you tried in 2012?

Sushi.... I love the stuff now.... Don't know why I never tried it before!! 

6.What's the most important lesson you learned in 2012?

To live in the now instead of dwelling on the past or worrying so much about my future. Also, to quite worrying so much about what others think about me. While it is good to respect them... If they are always knocking you about who your are you need to be a duck and let it roll off your back. Be yourself and as long as you love yourself that is all that matters!! 

7.What was the best movie of 2012?

Wow! Another hard question.... Hmmmm there are too many to choose so I am just gonna name a few!  The Hunger Games, Les Miserables, The Avengers, The Hobbit, Brave and I am going to add in Breaking Dawn Part 2 just because its was the best out of all four films and the fight scene was pretty epic. 

8.Best song of 2012?

Again cannot just pick one so lets list em! Better Dig Two by The Band Perry...Swagger Jagger and Want U Back by Cher Lloyd... Locked Out Of Heaven by Bruno Mars.... Hey Ho by The Lumineers .... Trouble by Taylor Swift... Tornado by Little Big Town..... Candy by Robbie Williams and I am only going to name two more so ..... Beauty and a Beat and As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber and last but not least Chasing the Sun by The Wanted!

9.Best t.v show of 2012?

Ughh another hard one lol! Psych, Vampire Diaries, Go On , Hawaii Five-Oh, Downton Abbey, NCIS, Revolution, Pretty Little Liars, Beauty and the Beast,Gossip Girl and Once Upon A Time

10.What one product do you hope someone releases in 2013?

A Teleport Machine where I can see all my best friends who I miss like crazy... Or maybe a time travelling thing so I can go back to all my favorite periods in history! 

So there you go! All my answers to what I loved and learned in 2012!  I would love to see your guys answers in the comments below! 

See ya Friday! 

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