Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2013 GOALS!!

So Today I am doing my 2013 goals. I know, I know this is about a month late.... But to be fair I really wanted to put the effort into this making sure I would stay true and that they followed my career dreams.  This is definitely something I will try to stick to through out the year.  At the end we will see how many I have completed or working on and then those which I haven't even touched! These are personal and blog related goals.... so with that out of the way lets jump to it!

 *Get Fit and Stay Fit - I know a lot of people include this in their resolutions for the New year... this is the reason I have goals I feel like I stick to them more than some thing I promised to do at the beginning of the year.  Anyways, Getting  fit and back to normal for me is really important because I kinda slacked off during the move and holidays :(  The reason my goal has two parts is because for me getting fit is easy but making sure I stay that way is difficult sometimes. Hello new routine...

*Head Shots - I desperately need new head shot but have been coming up with excuse after excuse not to get them. I also really want them to be high quality and stunning.

*Resume- Yep, this one is obvious. I need to fix my resume but also make sure it looks good. I also would like to expand it this year to!

*Auditions - This is where the expansion comes in. I feel as though I haven't been putting my self out there as much as I used too.... But this year that is gonna change.

*Film School - Oh film school! How you taunt me so! Yes, hopefully this year I will be starting film school ... This news excites me very much!!! lol

*Blog - I really want to work on this blog and fill it with interesting articles and such for you guys! I might even try to post every day.... but don't hold me too this!

*Journalism Class- This is purely for my love of writing and wanting to better myself at it!

*Production Channel - My love for film and acting will becoming together on this channel. It will
be dedicated to my acting, writing and film making.... Woop!

*Get Organized- I recently moved so I NEED to get organized. Me without organization is like a rabid squirrel that has just drank a can of Red Bull trying to find his acorn...

*Take more photos - I take pictures... I really need to take more though. That way when I become even more forgetful I will have all the photos to remind me!

*Travel, Visit friends and Explore- This is exactly what it sounds like lol. I have friends that are dotted all about the globe and I really miss them. So this year I shall be traveling  visiting and exploring. The last one is not just about exploring new places but also where I live at the moment.

*Acting classes and Courses- I am an actress and I am pursuing this as a career. However, It is very important to brush up and stay sharp. I want to learn more too because I promise you I do not know every thing!

*Stop Procrastinating!-  I am a HUGE procrastinator! So this year it is my goal to Stop it all together ... Or at least cut back as much as humanly possible!

*Wake Up Early- I feel as though I am wasting so much of the day when I sleep in or don't get up early! I really want to use this time in order to be more productive!

*Own My Car- Sounds silly... But its not lol Let me explain. What I mean is that I want to finish paying it off that way it is all mine!

*Be True To Me!- This one is all about having the confidence to be true to myself in every form and aspect there is. If you aren't being true to who you are you're just lying to your self and cheating the world out of a unique amazing person!

*Beauty Channel- What?! Yes, I have been thinking about this for along time now. I love blogging so much that I think it would be fun to also have a beauty channel to! *Fingers Crossed*

*Savings - I really want to be a money hoarder ... No this is not what I mean. I do have items that I would like to purchase or things I want to do... which is okay.... But I really want to start saving up more for things that I really want to do. Such as Travelling and going to auditions ... As much as I wish... They are not free.

*Short Film and Mini Series - This works three ways. Not only do I want to be in a short film/ mini series, I also want to write, direct and produce a short film or mini series as well!
Chill and Take A Breath - I stress a lot... More than is probably healthy if I am honest. This is not good...So by the end of the year I am going to be able to manage this better and not be overly stressed out!

*Pet- I really want a pet. Gold fish or Horse I really don't mind.... I honestly just want a pet :)

*Finish Setting Up Two Charities - These are two that are near and dear to my heart and by the end of the year I want to have them running. I cannot speak about them yet, but hopefully soon!!

Okay guys that is all my goals....22 big ones!  Now I have to stick to them because they are out on the interwebs haha and I hope you guys hold me too them! In the middle of the year and at the end of the year we will see what goals I have completed, are working on and those that just didn't get done. Leave me a comment below telling me what your 2013 Goals are or a link to your blog or post and I will check it out! 

See ya soon!

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