Thursday, December 6, 2012

S.A.N.T.A.S. .T.A.G

Hey everybody,
Today’s post is going to be a TAG but not any tag S.A.N.T.A.S T.A.G.  I think this tag is perfect for the countdown to Christmas,so with that being said let’s get to the fun!

S- Show us your favorite Christmas Pj’s
My favorite pair are these bad boys…. Yep, that’s snow flakes and skulls with pink bows. I normally just have a plain tank top on with them. For me its all about the bottoms. Since I don’t have atop I figured I would throw in my other favorite pair which are neon pink, with the word Chill scribbled on it and neon blue hearts and snow flakes.

A-  A smell that reminds you of Christmas
A smell that reminds me of Christmas is gingerbread cookies and hot apple cider. I always wear Victoria Secrets Vanilla Lace all month in December so that really reminds me of the holiday season. Oh, and pancakes…We always have pancakes on Christmas morning!

N- Number 1 item on wish list this year
Hmmm…. Probably a huge bottle of my favorite perfume Miss. Dior Cheri.

T- Tell us the best gift you ever received? Ever gave? 
When I was little probably getting my first grown up things like a t.v and things like that.  Another one is when I had my very first BF and he got me a necklace and a candle.  The best gift I have ever given is probably the ones that I spend a lot of time on and personalized for each person or the ones that I make.

A-Angel or star at the top of the tree? 
Star... always a star.

S-Share an old picture during the Christmas holidays! 
This is something that my siblings and I made out side in the snow. This was the first time in a couple years my sister was able to spend Christmas eve, Christmas day and boxing day with us. I really love this pic too!! Yes, it's the heart not the car lol.... I wish i could make a car out of snow though!

This is the only pic... I thought I had different ones... But look at the heart lol 

T-Treasured traditions: what are yours? 
Waking up at O-dark thirty in the morning with my siblings and then waiting for out parents to make sure Santa came to visit!

A- A beauty product you can't live without during the Christmas holidays? 
Moisturizer and a good red lipstick.

G-Greatest Christmas dessert you've ever had?
Ohh this is very difficult…. If you ask my little brother he is going to say my red velvet cake balls… but I think the baked Alaska my mum made one year was the greatest I have ever had! 

So that is it my lovelies.... And I tag each and every one of you! Hope you come back tomorrow to check out a new post as we Blog in the New Year!!

See ya in the next post!

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