Monday, December 3, 2012

November Haul!

So I have my first haul on here and I am super duper excited. I always love these post because it give me thoughts on things that I might want to purchase for my self and others. With the holidays rapidly approaching I thought this would help inspire your gift giving if your stuck in a rut or you don't have an answer for the infamous "what do you want" question. So here we go! My November Haul! 

From Top to Bottom!- Vacation, Sun Kissed, Sand Castle, Iridescent Light
So the first thing I picked up this month was these bad boys here. These are the L.A Color Jumbo Eye Pencil's. I picked 4 of these up and they all look super pretty!  They are decently priced... Usually around $1 sometimes more. They reminded me of the NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil's except cheaper so I really wanted to try them out. I will have a beauty on a budget review soon.

 Trio in Peony 

Next up is this trio by LA Colors... I really do like this brand for Beauty on a Budget because alot of there stuff is good quality. This is a trio of three bright colors ... you will be shocked by the pigmentation. I will be putting up a review on the trios this month too!  

Pro Palette in Zebra ~ Small Palette in Striped

So these two things were the only black Friday purchase I made. I have been really  wanting to try out the Z palettes for a while now, but could never really justify buying them. So when they went on sale on friday I jumped on them. I purchased the smaller one and a pro one. So far I am loving them... But they do need more testing before I can do an in depth review on them!

Goddess ~ Merlot 
 I picked up two LA Color nail polishes this month to. If you haven't seen my brand over view of them then I will put a link to it here -->
These colors are super Christmasie and I couldn't pass up on them!  They start at $1 and go up from there, it really depends on where you buy them at and where you live. 

Kate Moss Lipstick by Rimmel in 04. 
The last three things I picked up in November where three things from Rimmel London. I  picked up a Kate Moss lipstick in 04 which is a dark purple. It's an amazing color for this time of the year and I have been searching for it every where and I finally found it. I think I am going to be doing lip of the day posts.... Sorta like my NOTD but for your lips. That way I can put each lipstick underneath a spotlight.

002 - English Oak
005 - English Rose

The last two things from Rimmel was their Glam Eyes HD palettes  I thought they were on sale... but they weren't.... I think they may have just marked them down in general, Because I think (not completely sure) when they first came out they were close to $10 which I thought was ridiculous,  but I found them for $6 something. So maybe I just got some bad info. Either way I wasn't about to pass up on these babies!

So there ya go!  My November haul.... I know it isn't tons of stuff, but I tend not to by loads when the holidays are coming. I prefer to save and buy for others and you never know what you might be reciving.  Anywho these were the things that I couldn't pass up on!! I hope you enjoyed!  

Leave me a comment below telling me your favorite thing you bought this month!... It doesn't have to be beauty related either.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Over the past months I have been saving up for a train case and just got it eeeekkk .... Needless to say I am loving it!
